Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mission in Progress

 The team has been very busy these past 2 days in the communities of Israel and Villa Nueva . We have divided into smaller groups to complete the tasks we have been asked to accomplish. We always have a plan, but it usually changes several times a day, so we have learned to be very flexible.

Washing sand in the river for the water filtration systems.

The cows are extra cute here, part bunny I think...

The Health and Hygiene team continued lessons with the women in Israel.

This little darling performed a traditional folk dance for our enjoyment.

170 pairs of glasses were given to the people in Villa Nueva.

The evangelism team, Ralph and Danny.

The water filter team is checking the flow rate on the water filters.

All in all, a great couple of days. Please pray for endurance under the oppressive heat. The temperature will be 15 degrees hotter for the rest of the week. Thanks for your prayers. 


  1. Glad all is going well. All the cars/truck seem fine. Was trying to figure out what one belongs to whom?? Any idea what time you anticipate arriving at church Friday? Watched you leave last Friday a.m., with prayers.
    Hope there is some breeze to help with the heat.
    Keep the water handy and put it to good use.
    Thinking of all of you.

  2. Love seeing all of your smiling faces. The children are adorable. Don't let Susan bring that cow home. I know she wants to. Praying for all of you and your mission.

  3. Loving the pictures! :) Finally found Israel on the map. Continuing to pray for you AND the families back home. Sorry you will return to 90 degreee heat. :( Stay strong in the Lord. You are doing GREAT things! Love you Grandpa Tom!


    1. Sure have been enjoying the pictures. Hope you get a group picture before you leave. Have my alarm set to pick you up Friday night. Will be great to see you all back save and sound. Dody
